Those who have nothing, are the main targets. Being hopeless, justice is almost never on their side.
In welcoming the globalization era, we see that many Indonesian lawyers are incapable to cope up with international business or international law.
Foreign lawyers continue to dominate. Where do we have to start?
By improving professional qualities, we can certainly stand equal to international lawyers.
Our office never ceases to contribute to the development of legal education so that every lawyer possesses the capability to face legal challenges in the present era.
We follow the current legal development by enriching ourselves with necessary legal literature.
We believe that the urgent need of the justice seekers can only be fulfilled by performing up to date works.
That is our vision and mission in striving for, enforcing, and achieving justice.
The Firm’s culture of transparency, respect and integrity continue to pass from year to year, giving clients satisfying services.
OTTO CORNELIS KALIGIS & ASSOCIATES law firm was founded by a prominent litigation lawyer, Prof. Dr. (Jur) O.C. Kaligis S.H., M.H., ln 1977. Starting from a small legal bureau in the West Jakarta, it consists of only a few practicioners in the period when Indonesia’s legal system were still emerging. Regardless of its limitations, in the early years of practice, the Firm has already found its foundation and shown its commitment to defend the right from the wrong, without looking at the client’s background, whether they are rich or poor, small entities or big corporations.
In the 1980’s the Firm immediately stood out among thousands of other law firms in Indonesia. This was proven by the fact that the Firm is one of the first law offices to file a pre-triaI case (“Gugatan Pra-PeradiIan”) against the National Police of the Republic of lndonesia, an authority that few would only dare to intervene at that time.
ln the 1990’s the Firm found its place in the top tier legal circles. As this historical period marked both the peak of Indonesian economies (1990-1995) and also the national political downturn (1995-2000), the Firm has been entrusted by many high-profile clients and shaped its perspective to become a major law firm with robust relationships worldwide.
ln this period, the Firm has defended two of Indonesia’s President, H.M. Soeharto and B.J. Habibie, and many well-known businessmen. Apart from that, the corporate area practice of the Firm has also expands handled some major corporations and business entities.
Supported by its long record of success, the Firm continuosly grow to become a prominent firm that handles a broad range of national and lnternational clients and offers responsive, intuitive and effective legal services. The Firm has been handling high profile Iitigation cases and also advise for major corporate matters. Having a strong background both in Iitigation and corporate matters, the Firm realizes its assets and continue to expand its services in many specialized area of legal practice.
The Firm’s culture of transparency, respect and integrity continue to pass from year to year, giving clients satisfying services. Another important culture of the Firm is its commitment to the society by providing pro bono assistance. In line with this commitment, the Firm has defended many client, such as, in the Bus Drever case, Kemat Cs case, and the case of Prita Mulyasari. Furthermore, the Firm consistently help young talented lawyers to obtain scholarship, to compete in National and International Moot Court competitions and to have internship.
Known as the “Transit of Practicing Lawyer”, the Firm continues its tradition to retain and produce talented lawyers, built by their first hand experience on many legal aspects in the Firm. It is well-known that the Firm is the home for a lot of leading lawyers. Many former members of the Firm are currently famous attorneys or public officials throughout Indonesia. The Firm strives to grow to be the leading law firm not only in Indonesia but also worldwide.
Over the years, the breadth of exceptional legal talents has allowed the Firm to develop expertise across a wide array of practice areas and to expand its skills in providing legal advice and services, such as in banking and finance, arbitration, insurance, labor, and tax law. This is shown by the fact that the Firm maintains a wide range of clients in Indonesia, from public to private companies, government institutions and officials, as well as individuals and corporations from all over the world, such as:
Kompleks Majapahit Permai
Blok B 122-123,
Jalan Majapahit 18-20,
Jakarta 10160, Indonesia
+62 21 385 32 50 (hunting)
+62 21 345 39 92
©2022 OCK & Associates Law Firm